Knitty Keen

Knitting, knitting, and some more knitting

I’ve finally done it! December 6, 2016

Filed under: Etsy Store,Patterns,What's in the Works — knittykeen @ 12:59 pm
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It’s been 8 years, but I’ve finally published my snowman ornament pattern, available both in my Ravelry store and my Etsy shop.


I’ll do a proper blog post after the holidays, but I just wanted to get this out there. TTFN!


Doodling along December 9, 2015

The big project I’ve been working on the past few weeks is Stephen West’s The Doodler mystery knit along.  First snag I hit was running out of color A before I was finished clue 1, so I had to order another skein.

The Doodler Clue 1

Then I went on to clue 2 and all of those cables which took me forever to do because the number of stitches in the cable kept increasing and I’ve never done this type of cable before.

the doodler clue 2

After I finished with the cables I moved on to clue 3.  I had finished 3 wedges of clue 3 and was afraid that I was going to run out of yarn for the last one so I switched to color A for that one.


I’m about halfway through the last wedge in Clue 3 and then onto the last clue and I’m done.  I’m so looking forward to finishing this and getting it blocked.

While I was waiting for the yarn to arrive to finish clue 1, I found an unopened Jimmy Bean’s package and there was a ball of Crazy Zauberball inside it so I cast on for a sock.

crazy zauberball sock

I’m about 3/4 the way through the heel flap and I have to find my copy of Sock Innovation so I can get the numbers to turn the heel.  I tend to keep this one in my bag so I only work on it in fits and spurts.  Once I’m done The Doodler I’ll work on it in earnest since I really want some wool socks now that the cold weather is here.  I only have another two weeks of school left then I’ll have my days free and I can work on the socks and my hibernating Grass and Bubblegum Shawl.  The only Christmas knitting I’m doing this year is finishing up the second leg of Monkey Jacobus for my nephew which was supposed to be gifted last year.  Not knitting for Christmas this year is liberating in a way, I don’t have to worry about deadlines and whether or not the recipient is going to like it.  If I do Christmas knitting for next year, I’m going to try and be sensible and start in July so I’m not going crazy in the fall since I’ll be in school again.

That’s it for what’s going on at the moment.  TTFN!


What’s in the works January 8, 2015

Haven’t done one of these in an age in a half.  I’ve been posting Work in Progress Wednesday pics on my Facebook page but I haven’t taken the time to write up what I’ve been doing.

Color Affection


I started this way back on October 17th.  Started off with Madelinetosh Tosh Merino Light in Oak, Nutmeg, and Golden Hickory.  Finished the first section only to find out that I had read the instructions wrong and had to frog the whole thing.  Got through the second section and started the third when I realized the Golden Hickory had too much green in it and blended in with the Oak, so I ordered a skein of Sequoia and that did the trick.  I finished the knitting on it about two weeks ago and am only now getting a chance to block it so I can gift it on Sunday.  Once I got into the rhythm of it it was a great watching/listening to TV knit.  Not super portable once you get to three colors, I had to arrange the balls around me in a certain way so I didn’t get tangles.  I have yarn to make myself one which I’ll most likely be starting next month.


No Purl Monkey Socks



These were started about the same time as Color Affection, but they were finished on the Sunday before Christmas.  No real problems with these except for my needle bending which made them painful to knit.  The yarn is Dream in Color Smooshy with Cashmere in Deep Sea Flower.  Despite the painful knitting, the yarn was a dream to work with.  I was worried that they would be too small for their intended recipient since the pattern called to start the toe 1.5″ from the length of foot and I’ve always done 2″, this was one of the first times I was working directly from a pattern and not just a lace chart and my own measurements.  I went with the 2″ and they fit her perfectly.




These were the bane of my existence this holiday season.  The plan was to have the pattern go live the beginning of November with a stock of finished ornaments and kits to make them to sell in my Etsy Shop.  Illness got in the way and that launch date got pushed further and further back until I just decided it wasn’t happening this year and I’ll try for next year.  I managed to get 4 bodies done but only finished two of them to give as teacher gifts.


Neck Warmer


This was a quick and dirty knit for my son who needed something to keep his neck and face warm.  I used my Neck Warmer pattern but instead of the pattern stitch I did 2×2 ribbing since it was for a child.  It does look nicer than this in person since the ends have been woven in and it’s been blocked.  Only problem is that Thing 1 declared that it’s too itchy so he hasn’t worn it.  This is some Patons Classic Wool I had in my stash so next time I’ll have to go with something softer since he does have sensitive skin.  It’ll be a good back up for my husband.




I call these my Earth and Sea socks.  They are knit from River City Yarn’s Adam & Eve, a merino, cashmere, and nylon blend in a color way called Walnut.  The yarn was a gift from a friend in Canada and the yarn made exclusively for the yarn shop.  I have always loved Pomatomus, but I was afraid that the sock would be too tight on my big feet so I used the advice in Cookie A’s Sock Innovation to alter the leg chart to a 14st repeat and altered the instep chart accordingly.  I was a bit nervous about the instep chart since it has those two bits on either side, but when it came time for me to do the second instep repeat it worked!  I probably could have done another half a repeat before starting the toe, but it still looks good.


Monkey Jacobus


This is the head and neck of Monkey Jacobus.  The first snag came when the Knit Picks Bare Merino Fingering (which they don’t make any more) I was planning to use for the face was moth eaten, so I had to use Knit Picks Palette instead which is a different base from the Knit Picks Stroll Hand Painted Sock in Carnival (a discontinued color) that I was using for the body.  Second snag is that knitting this pattern in fingering is a study in frustration.  I’m supposed to gift it on Sunday and I don’t have any real worries about finishing it on time but weaving in ends and using new techniques are that much harder when using US Size 2 (2.75mm) needles.  I’m sorely tempted to see what I have in stash to do this in worsted weight, but I’ve already come so far that I’m going to see it through to the end.




This is actually my third go round with this pattern.  The yarn in Three Irish Girls Glenhaven Cashmerino Sock in Kathmandu that I bought last January.  After some searching for a pattern for my larger than average hands, I settled on Ann Budd’s basic glove pattern from her book, The Knitter’s Handy Book of Patterns.  I decided to start out with a woman’s large at 8sts/inch.  Turns out that I get 7sts/inch on my US Size 2.5 (3.0mm) needles, so I frogged and decided to try the women’s large at the proper gauge.  When I got to the finger I knew that this wasn’t going to work since I could barely slide it on.  I’ve decided to go back to my original 8sts/inch women’s large (basically a men’s medium) knowing everything will be a bit larger because of the gauge difference but I’m sure I’ll get a better fit.


There’s a lot coming up – a sweater for me, a shawlette pattern that I need to do one more time before I have it tested and published, two shawls to finish and one to start, and stockings to make.  Due to illness, I didn’t get much knitting done in 2014, but 2015 will be different.  TTFN!


Where has all my mojo gone? Long time passing. October 8, 2014

I’ve been sick for much of the summer and the beginning of fall so knitting just has not been happening.  I am now ready to start my holiday knitting and pray I have enough time to get what I want done.  Here’s what’s been doing.


Scrappy (or not so Scrappy) Shawl

Here’s a picture of the finished object from the pattern page on Ravelry.  There are several and definitely worth a look.


I was supposed to be a tester for this pattern and while I gave input, I misread the instructions and did it the wrong way, then I did it the wrong way again, and finally I got it right.  Here’s my meager shawl.



I’m still going to be plugging away at it but Christmas knitting is on the horizon so it may take a back seat for a while along with my sleeping Hitchhiker and Desolation of Smaug Mystery Knit-a-long.


Magic Yarn Ball Swap

I was treated very kindly as always and got some marvelous yarns.  Two skeins of Malabrigo Lace in Sealing Wax, A skein of Tosh Sock in Gossamer, mini skeins for my sock yarn blanket, and some other goodies as well.



Christmas Knitting

As usual I have probably bitten off more than I can chew and some of these will be new year’s presents, but who is keeping count?

Color Affection for someone.  Here’s the finished object.

Color Affection Shawl

Here are the colors I’m using in Tosh Merino Light – Nutmeg, Golden Hickory, and Oak.



And two mystery projects because I don’t know if their intended recipients read here or not.





I also have matching sweaters I want to make my kids and a sock yarn monkey I want to make for my nephew.  We’ll see how much I can get done.  I’ll be knitting a gauge swatch for one of the mystery gifts tomorrow.  If you haven’t already, like my page on Facebook and keep up with what’s on the needles. TTFN!


Long Time No See March 12, 2014

It has indeed been a while since I’ve posted anything.  I have actually been knitting, but not nearly as much as I’d like to be.  I have two shawls waiting to be blocked, another one on the needles, a sock that I’ve barely started and as soon as I get my replacement size 6 needle, I’m going to be casting on for Color Affection.

The first shawl that is waiting to be blocked is an original design called Flirty.  My husband got me a beautiful skein of Madelinetosh Tosh Merino Light in Coquette for Christmas.  I had made a little shawlette out of some Noro Silk Garden Sock (surprisingly in the colorway that comes up when you click the link) years ago.  I played yardage chicken with it and finished it with only six inches to spare.  I always intended to do something with it but I never actually wrote down a pattern.  When I opened my Christmas present I knew exactly what I wanted to make with it.

tosh merino light cocquette

Flirty is a wide but short shawl with a ruffled edge, just long enough to tie at your throat to keep your neck warm.  I’m planning on getting some blocking done in the beginning of next week so I’ll post pics then.

The second shawl I’ve been working on is Follow Your Arrow Mystery Knit-a-long.  A Mystery knit-a-long is one where you get individual “clues” or pieces of the pattern and you have no idea how the pattern is actually going to turn out.  My knitting board was doing it as a knit-a-long so I decided to jump in.  I was worried about making gauge for some reason so I knit it on US Size 5 (4.25mm) needles instead of the recommended US Size 6 (4.5mm) needles.  I went to my LYS and found the most wonderful color of Tosh Merino Light, Whiskey Barrel.  Here’s an in progress shot.


I actually ordered blocking wires which just came this week to block this one since I really want it to come out looking right.

The third shawl which is currently on the needles is the Desolation of Smaug Mystery Knit-a-long.  Well, it was The Desolation of Smaug Mystery Knit-a-long.  I was getting ready to link the project page on Ravelry and the first thing I noticed is that the price was only $3.00 and I was a bit miffed because I paid $7.00 since the knit-a-long had already started when I jumped in.  There’s a lengthy explanation and I don’t know if my original pattern is any good any more.  I’m going to have to do some digging on the Ravelry forums to find out what is going on.  I bought the new pattern, but I don’t know if I want to do it any more.  This is incredibly annoying.  Here’s the in-progress shot (and this week’s WIP Wednesday) from the original pattern.  I’m going to have to do a lot of thinking about this*(see update below).

Desolation of Smaug Clue 1

The yarn is Tosh Merino Light in the Envy colorway — my birthday present from my husband.  He’s done a great job picking out yarn colors for me this year.  Interesting story about the yarn.  I told him I wanted sock yarn for my birthday.  He went to one of the LYS’s in the area and asked the clerk to show him some sock yarn.  The clerk went on to tell him that sock yarn wasn’t really for socks and steered him towards the Tosh Merino Light.  Now, I love Tosh Merino Light, but sock yarn it isn’t.  Who ever this person was she has no business working in a yarn store.  I’ve told him to go to the other LYS from now on since their staff seems more knowledgeable.

There’s the sock, but that’s really waiting room and bus knitting so it’ll get done when it gets done.  The next big thing on the agenda is Color Affection.

Color Affection Shawl

In these colors…

Tosh Merino Light Color Affection Colors

This is my, “I quit smoking for a month.” (it’s now two!) present to myself.  I love the colors and as soon as I get my replacement needle for Knit Picks, I’m going to cast on.  It’s all done in garter stitch so it’s perfect for doing at night when the kids are in bed and I’m watching TV with my husband.

That’s about it for now.  I should have two finished objects the beginning of next week so keep an eye out for the next post.  TTFN!

UPDATE:  It turns out there are TWO Desolation of Smaug Mystery Knit-a-longs.  Here’s the link to the one I’m doing — The Desolation of Smaug.  So now I own both patterns and I don’t have to frog again.


Radio Silence November 27, 2013

I’ve been working on school and house stuff so I haven’t been making the time to knit.  Here’s what’s in the works.  For those following me on Facebook some of this is old news but there’s something new at the end.

Rainbow Sock Yarn Baby Blanket of DOOM action shot


It took me a while to muster up the courage to try and patch the blanket again, but I finally did it and it doesn’t look too bad.  The back is going to be messy after it’s washed because of the way I wove in the ends but it shouldn’t be too bad.

Rainbow Baby Surprise Jacket


I did the pattern as written and didn’t extend the arms although in hindsight I wish I had (truth be told I forgot how I did it with the last BSJ I mad e for my now five year-old).  I did an I-cord bind off and I should have gone up a needle size so the fit is a bit better.  I’ll remember for next time.


Snowmen!  I’ve been sitting on this pattern for five years now and it’s finally going to go public next week.  Here’s an in progress shot.


School is almost over and I’ll be plugging away this weekend so I can get good pictures and put up some finished ornaments in my Etsy shop.  I’m also planning on selling this as a kit to make two snowmen including fiber fill so keep a look out for that as well.

That’s all that’s doing at the moment.  I’ll be posting more as Christmas knitting kicks into high gear.


Pocket Frogs September 15, 2013

Pocket Frog

I’ve been sitting on this pattern for going on seven years now and have yet to get it into shape so I can publish it.  It was one of the first things I ever designed.  If I can pull it off, I’ll be publishing it this fall and offering kits to make it up in my Etsy shop.  Here’s what I got for the frogs for my pattern pictures.

Pocket Frog Yarn

Clockwise from the top, I have Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Worsted in Bittersweet, Manos del Uruguay Wool Cassica Multis in Cornucopia, Madelinetosh Tosh Vintage in Plaid Blanket and, Malabrigo Rastita in Archangel.  For fingering weight I plan to do up a set of rainbow ones with left over yarn from the sooper seekrit project.

Speaking of sooper seekrit projects, I’m about to put the finishing touches on it this afternoon.  In the interim, I started a second sooper seekrit project.  Here’s the swatch.

DSCF2693You can see the final product on my Facebook page.  The yarn is Madelinetosh Tosh Merino DK in Terra.  I’m not entirely sold on the yarn.  It has absolutely no give which was a bit of a pain.  I’m using some Tosh Merino Light in a shawl but that’s using a fine yarn on bigger needles so stretch really isn’t a factor.  I bought it because it was the perfect color, but I may choose differently the next time I need a DK weight yarn.  There are still two more parts of the project that I want to get done this week, it just depends on the kids and my school schedule.

To break the tedium of the sooper seekrit project, I joined a knit along on one of my knitting boards and started the Oaklet Shawl.  I’m using Madelinetosh Tosh Merino Light in Vanilla Bean (which I love) on US Size 6 (4.0mm) needles.  I’m kind of meh on the pattern — I usually like my shawls to be more lacy, but it was a matter of being in the right place at the right time.  Besides, all of that stockinette really shows off the colors in the Vanilla Bean.

Oaklet ShawlI’m ordered most of this yarn from Eat.Sleep.Knit with the $50.00 store credit I won when I ordered that sweater’s worth of Madelinetosh Tosh Merino Light in Golden Hickory.  Some of their prices are a little bit more than my LYS but their stock is good and shipping is super fast.

Look for pics of the sooper seekrit project next Sunday.  Happy knitting!



Sock Break June 12, 2013

I’ve had an epiphany about the sooper seekrit project and it’s going to be smaller and much more manageable than I originally intended.  As such, I’ve lessened the pace at which I’m working on it so I’m not posting a WIP Wednesday picture of it on my Facebook page.  Instead, I pulled out a hibernating WIP, my toe-up heel-flap sock.

Toe-up sock


If it doesn’t look that much different from the last picture I posted of it, it’s because it isn’t.  I took it with me to work on while the kids were playing in the park tonight, so I only got a few rounds done.  I think I’ve figured out how I’m going to alter it to accommodate my high instep.  I need about an extra half inch of heel flap, which would translate to an extra inch of gusset so instead of starting the gusset at 7.5″ for my foot as recommended in Socks from the Toe Up, I’m going to start my gusset at 6.5″ and place a life line before I turn the heel.  It will still probably take a while before I get there since this is my park and doctor’s office knitting, but when I do I’ll post the changes I made to Wendy’s pattern.

So it’s sock knitting for tonight then back to seekrit projects tomorrow.


The Knitter’s Book of Socks January 14, 2013

Filed under: Books,Knitting,Socks,What's in the Works,WIP's — knittykeen @ 11:28 pm
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I just got this in the mail today and was very excited to read it.  The beginning of the book has all sorts of technical information about different fibers and yarns and how they work in different patterns in the book.  Some emphasis is placed on making your socks more durable through stitch and yarn choice.  What it does not have is information about fit and adjusting your patterns which is what I thought it would contain.  As written, there looks to be only a few patterns that I can use for my big, wide, high instep feet.  There are several socks that I’d like to make from my quick perusal of the patterns, but as per usual I am going to have to do some heavy revisions to make socks that will actually fit my feet.


Thankfully, I have my handy copy of Cookie A’s Sock Innovation which does have info on how to alter patterns to accommodate different sized feet.  The chart she has on how to do a trapezoidal heel for any sized heel flap is priceless and one that I use all the time in my sock knitting.


Sensational Knitted Socks is another good reference book as it has size charts for practically every sized foot available, and not just length but circumference as well for narrow, medium and wide feet.  It has some nice things to say about sock structure and all of the patterns in the book can be altered to fit any sized foot.

I look forward to reading the individual patterns more closely in The Knitter’s Guide to Socks but I have to say I’m not as excited about it as I though I’d be.  It’s definitely worth having in your library, the designers she got for the book are fantastic, just don’t expect information about fit from it.

In knitting news, I’m well on my way with my second No Purl Monkey sock, about an inch to go on the heel flap before I turn the heel.  In an effort to keep the stitch pattern intact, the socks are a little bit longer than I usually like for my foot, so there’s not a nice, snug fit.  I also made the cuff much longer than I normally do and it fits my large calves nicely, any higher and it would be too tight.  I’m also working on mittens for my kids in some Peace Fleece and US Size 6 (4.0mm) needles.  The youngest’s pair should be finished tomorrow and then I can get the measurements the older’s pair and hopefully have them done by the end of the week.


Foreign Concepts January 5, 2013

I’ve heard of Norwegian purling before but never went any further to investigate it.  I found a YouTube video tutorial for it on one of my knitting groups and since I was doing some 1×1 ribbing I decided I would give it a shot.  I’m sure it’s because I’m new at it, but I’m not seeing any time difference over bringing the yarn forward.  It also may have been the yarn I was using (Noro Kureyon Sock), but my Norwegian purls seemed looser than my regular purls.  Again, it could totally be the yarn, Kureyon Sock is by no means smooth and it was from a frogged project so it was a bit wavy to begin with.  I’m going to wait and try it with some worsted weight yarn and see how it goes, until then the jury is still out.

My No Purl Monkey socks are moving along nicely.  I’m into the instep on the first one and I’m loving the way the Colinette Jitterbug is working up.  The yarn is nice and springy and the colors are fantastic.  Here’s a picture of it before I finished picking up the heel flap stitches.

WIP No Purl Monkey socks

I haven’t made much progress on the socks because I’ve been cheating on it with the Sock Yarn Slouch Hat.

Sock Yarn Slouch Hat


I’m using some Noro Kureyon Sock that I’ve had in my stash for ages and doesn’t match anything I own, but I like the colors and I need a hat in the worst way.  I’ve made a few changes to the pattern.  I’m using a size 3 (3.25mm) needle because that’s the smallest 16″ circular that I own.  I changed the cast on to 150sts to accommodate my gigantic head and changed the increase to 50sts so I got a nice even number.  I have about two more inches to go before I start doing decreases.  If I can keep up the pace, I should be able to be done with it by Monday or so at the latest.