Knitty Keen

Knitting, knitting, and some more knitting

Sock Break June 12, 2013

I’ve had an epiphany about the sooper seekrit project and it’s going to be smaller and much more manageable than I originally intended.  As such, I’ve lessened the pace at which I’m working on it so I’m not posting a WIP Wednesday picture of it on my Facebook page.  Instead, I pulled out a hibernating WIP, my toe-up heel-flap sock.

Toe-up sock


If it doesn’t look that much different from the last picture I posted of it, it’s because it isn’t.  I took it with me to work on while the kids were playing in the park tonight, so I only got a few rounds done.  I think I’ve figured out how I’m going to alter it to accommodate my high instep.  I need about an extra half inch of heel flap, which would translate to an extra inch of gusset so instead of starting the gusset at 7.5″ for my foot as recommended in Socks from the Toe Up, I’m going to start my gusset at 6.5″ and place a life line before I turn the heel.  It will still probably take a while before I get there since this is my park and doctor’s office knitting, but when I do I’ll post the changes I made to Wendy’s pattern.

So it’s sock knitting for tonight then back to seekrit projects tomorrow.